Erm, hi. I never know what I should say when I come back to my little blog after such a long vacation. Should I try to explain why I haven't been around? Should I try to catch it up on all that has happened since we last spoke? Or should I act as if I never left?
Well, maybe I will do all three. Soihavebeensobusywithschoolandkidsandchurchandjust,well,lifethatsomethinghadtogoandmydearlittleblog,well,iknewyouwouldforgivemeeasiest.plusijusthaventhadmuchtosaysoiknewyouprobablyneededabreakfrommetoo. And breathe. Thelastfewmonthshavebeensobusyandfull.westartedto boxthehouseandthendecidedtowaitawhile.thekidsaresogrown.hazelespeciallylostherbabyoverthesummer. And breathe again. Not sure how I am supposed to act like I never left so we will skip that one:).
So school has started back and i have a kindergartner who is very much aware of how big he is now. He told me yesterday that he walked in his classroom (of kids younger than him), everyone says, "here comes the coolest kid in class.". And he truly believes it. He said that everyone calls him "dude.". Oh my.
Hazel is in the 3 year old room now and has assumed a big girl role as well. I am so lucky I get to peak in on her every now and then while she is sitting at the table listening to her teacher or doing her little work. It's the cutest thing to see her grow.
As for me- I love my new class too. I have a younger bunch this year and let me tell you, it has been way too much fun coming up with ideas and crafts and cute things to do with this younger set. And they are all so lovely and affectionate and funny.
And other than that, life is the same. I have luckily been able to run consistently since my stress fracture in February without any major injuries:). I am looking forward to some cooler weather but am so thankful to run, regardless of how hot it is outside. The kids are "in training" as they so seriously call it, getting ready for a race in October. There may or may not be Gatorade bribes to encourage their running. They will do anything in exchange for it. Adler is running 1.25 miles at a time now and z is going .30.
So, although I said I wouldn't do a full blown catch up post, I guess I still snuck in a little one. My next post is going to be heartfelt and enlightening and personal now that I got the chatter out of the way,
PS: don't hold me to that last promise....
PSS: it's so embarrassing that I always misspell kindergartner. Its just one of those words you should make it a point of knowing how to spell, in my opinion. Thank goodness for spell check.
Yay! You're back! I can't believe Adler is running 1.25m, that seems like so far for a 5 yr old!
Awkward? No!! It's GREAT!!! I am always so happy when you write. Love to share in your life whenever you have time for it. No guilt involved, just happy to get our "bite"!! :)
That's great that your kids are running. Addison just likes to pretend to run so she can put on a sports bra and booty shorts. I'm gonna have trouble with her!
Sara- oh no!!:). That's too funny. Girls!
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