Thursday, February 7, 2008

Disturbed, on many levels

So, I picked up babycouture magazine the other day, because I like to look at the advertisements so I can get good internet browsing materia (sad, I know) but this was the first time I have seen this one so I grabbed it.

Okay, so granted, there were some really cute toys and clothes featured in the magazine; but the toddler models really disturbed me. They were these totally hip, attitude wearing kids that probably knew more about life than I did, the girls wearing bright makeup and hailing cabs in the pictures, the boys looking like James Dean with their turned up collars and leather jackets. I wish that I could post some pics, but I can't find any.

The second issue I had was a lot of the toys were just, well, too hip, too modern, too grown up. Here's an example:

I mean, who buys these kinds of ride-along toys for their toddlers? I am all for the simple, no bells and whistle type toys because I think they allow children to use their imagination, but this is just, well, it sucks the joy out of my soul when I look at it.

Anyway, I guess I should have known better than to pick up a magazine that had the words baby and couture bunched together like that, but still.

I will add that there were some cute toys in there, like these:

(note- the lamb rocker can be found at and the sock puppy at

Anyway, so that's that.

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